Chapter 4 Missing values
4.1 Missing Values from Original Data
The following graph was generated by using the dataset data_index.csv. The code for generating the following graphs can be accessed in plot.R and MissingDataMultiple.R. The original data set from lichess database had missing values in WhiteRatingDiff and BlackRatingDiff. We expected the data set to be complete but some of the game PGNs did not contain [WhiteRatingDiff “??”] or [BlackRatingDiff “??”]. We were not able to understand the reason for the flaws but they were irrelevant in our analyses
Missing Data Plot for Original PGN data
4.2 Missing Values of Generated Data
Since the Elo system is not the focus of our analyses, the moves.csv and 600.csv included a different set of columns. The data set for moves.csv and 600.csv were complete and created no hardships.
Missing Data Plot for moves.csv
Missing Data Plot for 600.csv